Am I A Narcissist? One Easy Test

Cutting Through The Confusion Online

Am I the narcissist?

In the wild world of pop psychology, where complex trauma manifests in confusing ways and labels get thrown around like snowballs, the term ‘narcissist’ has almost lost its meaning; becoming an umbrella term for any mildly-destructive or controlling behaviour. From the chaos of the borderline, to the ice-cold selfishness of the narcissist, to the intoxicating sexuality of the histrionic, many are left staring at the rubble of a relationship that brought out the madness in them, and asking: Am I the narcissist?

One easy way to determine your narcissist status, which cuts through all the clutter floating around online, is: Do you regularly idealise and quit?

Brutal discards are the hallmarks of a narcissist. A narcissist will be fully open to someone, charming them constantly and growing the relat...

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